Attention all webmasters, affiliates, and business owners!

If you can copy and paste, then you can easily generate $899, $2,697, even $3,999 or more each month by selling a proven product!

Dear potential business partner,
You have arrived at a generous Affiliate Program that helps people like you grow monthly commission income. And with a little patience — it can easily become a passive income stream, month after month!
In a moment I’ll tell you how you can earn more income from the comfort of your home just by promoting my unique Zodiac product.

Why promote my Libra Man Secrets product?

My name is Anna Kovach, and I’m the author and owner of ‘Libra Man Secrets.’ This is a unique product that has already helped thousands of women, and it sells like hot cakes. Because it’s a top-notch product that answers a customer’s specific relationship dilemmas.
If you have ANY female related audience… whether it’s a blog, a big website, a list… and it doesn’t even have to be related to ASTROLOGY — because virtually all heterosexual women are interested in dating or are already in a relationship with a man. You’ll see almost every female Magazine out there, from Cosmo to your local newspaper — they all have a section about Horoscopes. Why? Because their readers WANT it, even if they’re skeptical of this advice, their curiosity will still make them take a look.
This is a HUGE market. And it SELLS worldwide, not just in the United States. We have customers from Japan, Hong Kong and Malaysia, to India, Europe, and all the way down to Argentina. Even in the United Arab Emirates and South Africa!
And Astrology has been around for THOUSANDS of years, it’s bound to stay a topic of interest as long as there are MEN and WOMEN on Earth.
So… if you’re a smart marketer and want to take a piece of the money then here is your chance to promote a proven product and earn commissions passively just by copy-pasting your unique URL. BEFORE the market gets saturated. The sooner you get in, the better!
And there are very few restrictions here — SEO, Facebook, PPC, email marketing, even Instagram… these are all quality traffic channels you can use to promote Libra Man Secrets, to at least 8% of women around the world. That’s MILLIONS of potential customers ready to click on your link and BUY a product that improves their life!
Just send us the Traffic Thunder, and I’ll convert them into buyers and make you money.
Once the visitors buy, you automatically receive a generous 70% cut – yeah, full $29 commission instantly in your affiliate account. And if they buy more than one product (it’s a1-click upsell) which is ‘Personal Compatibility Readings,’ then you even receive a cut from that upsell, too. For one sale you can easily make up to $63 in total. And there’s no limit to the amount of sales you can refer!
And these are just some of the reasons you should promote Libra Man Secrets! You are not only making passive money, but you’re actually helping people improve their love life, become more confident and live a happier life altogether. Don’t believe me, just take a look at some of my testimonials that I’ll be showing soon on my sales page.

How much money can you actually make?

There are no limits! You can make as much money as you want. Conversion are great and you can purchase quality traffic or send free SEO traffic our way. The more you send the more money you make.
Let’s do some basic calculations, what would you make if you do just 1 sale a day?

Sales/day $ / Day $ / Month $ / Year
1 Sales $29 $899 $10,788
2 Sales $58 $1,798 $21,576
3 Sales $87 $ 2,697 $ 32,364
4 Sales $116 $ 3,596 $43,152
5 Sales $145 $3,999 $47,988

Moreover, guess what these estimates are just for the basic course of $29, imagine how much could you make with the upsell where you get an extra $34.
That’s up to $63 in commision for you. So even if just 20% of buyers purchase our upsell — your passive income shoots up massively. And that’s just by making a few sales a day — with quality traffic, you can EASILY make 10 sales per day or more!

OK, how will you receive your commissions?

Once you get this money in your Clickbank affiliate account — it’s your money! Whether you want to spend this money to watch a movie, eat out or buy a FERRARI – it’s your take.
You simply instruct Clickbank to send your commissions to your bank account, or if you prefer a crunchy check, then it’s sent to you swiftly within two weeks.

So what do you need to do to earn commissions?

You have to recommend it honestly and sincerely.
If you have bought this product, then you know how good it is! The first step you must take before promoting it is to present it sincerely. If you have not bought it then I recommend you to get it, using your own affiliate link (that’s your first commission!), and once you realize how empowering it is and then recommend it to your visitors, and friends. If you’ve got a website, a forum, Facebook friends’ list or Twitter followers, then you can give your honest opinion along with pros and cons and the chances are you’ll quickly make your second, third, fourth… commissions in no time!
Actually, that’s the EASIEST way you can make money — write a full product review about Libra Man Secrets — people are already searching for independent reviews of my book, and they’ll likely land on your page on Google and click on your affiliate link. This is the easiest money you can make. Otherwise, give people relationship advice pertaining Libra men and send them to this page, where you’ll include your affiliate link. This is the simplest way for you to generate FREE website visitors that convert to customers.
EVEN IF you don’t have a big Astrology mailing list or a high-traffic Astrology or Relationship website — you can now EASILY build one. There are SO many free tools out there, you can set up a WordPress blog in a day or build a fan page in less than 20 minutes!

How are your sales tracked?

A unique URL and a 60-days cookie track your sales.
Here’s a little science behind the tracking: copy and paste our code wherever you can (please ensure you are not spamming) on your website, forum, Facebook feeds, Facebook page, subscribers list or tweet it to your followers.
Whenever people click your link, a small cookie is stored on their PC or mobile device which tells us that they are your visitors. Whenever they make a purchase, you will receive full commission. Most people make a purchase decision within 2-3 days, but just in case they forget and come back again say after a week, you still get the credit. But we still track them for 60-days!
And that’s the beauty of it, whenever they decide to make a purchase within 60 days, you still get your commission. Even tough we’ll do all the remarketing for you at our expense!

How to get started to earn commissions?

To grab your unique URL, you simply create a FREE account with Clickbank. Clickbank is one of the top platforms to collect payments and find products to promote. And it’s perfect for tracking, collecting payments, and affiliate marketing. You can create your FREE account with Clickbank within 30 seconds. It’s EASY.

Is this FREE, or there’s some catch?

Absolutely no catch.
Clickbank is a well-respect digital platform. They are never wrong in tracking, and they have never been late in payment since they were established in 1998. They currently have 1.5 million affiliates on their payroll.
Get your FREE Clickbank account and earn commissions today.
This is where your commissions will be automatically credited. So click here now and open your free account in 30 seconds.
Once you have an account, go to the Marketplace section and type “Libra man”, you’ll find Libra Man Secrets and simply click on the “PROMOTE” button to generate your unique affiliate code. This is the link you can simply copy and paste. You can also shorten it with a link shortener like or to make it look nicer and additionally track clicks. This is especially good if you promote on Facebook and want to know which post got you more clicks. You can even use a TID (Transaction ID) so you can follow up on which link got you more sales.

What are the best promotion strategies?

Now that you have your own unique URL, you would like to know how to promote the product to get maximum number of sales.
You know, if you’ll just blast the link to your followers then chances are you’ll leave too much money on the table. But if you promote it by giving your honest recommendation then it’s likely that you’ll make a clean sweep.
A mistake most affiliates make is they try to sell what they are not very aware of. And if you don’t want to leave any money on the table then I recommend you to familiarize yourself with the product or grab your ‘Affiliate Kit’ that I’ve prepared especially for you.
You’ll find step-by-step information in your ‘Libra Affiliate Kit.’ To receive your kit just email me at and ask for my Libra Man Secrets Affiliate Kit. Inside you’ll discover exactly how you can best promote it and make more money in no time.
It’s a special promo guide on ALL the best Traffic sources where you can get FREE or SUPER-AFFORDABLE traffic, plus you’ll get BANNERS, EMAIL SWIPES for your mailing list and tips on How you can rank on Google quickly and easily.

Why your Affiliate Kit is critical to your success?

First, it’ll ensure that you’re set with your unique code, and ready to earn your commissions, then I regularly announce bonus campaigns, latest affiliate offers that you don’t want to miss if you want to make big commissions… which I know you want. All partners who are earning big have received it and I recommend so should you.
Better yet, send an email right away while you on this page: — I want to get to know you and see how I can help you make more passive, automatic money!

How well does it convert?

I’ve spent over a year of planning, testing, and making this product and the offer. And it converts really well even on relatively cold leads. And we are CONSTANTLY improving this product, adding new bonuses, and new offers soon that’ll make you even more money in the long-run.
The good thing is — few people know about this offer and it’s great to keep it for yourself — get in on the ground level and promote any of my other Zodiac products!
And if you send visitors recommending this product in an honest and sincere way, then they’ll buy, and your conversion rate will be high. You’ll get more in your ‘Affiliate Kit,’ email me if you’ve not done it yet:
Honestly, recommend the product, and I’ll take care of the sales, customers, their questions… guiding them, listening to them, managing the product and managing the payments. And I give stellar support so we SAVE every sale possible. You don’t need to worry about product delivery, systems, or codes or anything! Just send quality traffic and you’ll start making money immediately! Give it a try and you’ll see for yourself.

How hot is the market?

‘Libra Man Secrets’ is an eBook for women who are in love with a Libra man or are simply interested in dating one. They have their concerns and are SERIOUS about needing relationship advice from someone who understands them AND their Libra man. I am an expert Astrologer and created a step-by-step, complete guide on the unique personality traits and characteristics of a Libra man. I get emails every day from customers that need advice URGENTLY. So this market is very hot and BIG.
Alternatively, they want to get their Libra guy back. So any woman regardless of age or dating status is your target, and there are millions and millions of women on the planet interested in dating or already in a relationship with a Libra man.
Women have an inherent need to understand their partners, and this unique product helps them to understand their partners inside and out. You’ll be helping a lot of women and couples achieve higher levels of satisfaction.
Contact your affiliate manager at and start making money with this awesome and unique product! I’ll send you your affiliate kit, and we’ll get started with your training immediately. Regardless of your affiliate marketing experience, there’ll be something new for you to learn here!
If you’re already a seasoned affiliate marketer and familiar with Clickbank, you’ll see that VERY FEW quality products are out there that actually help people. It’s not easy to find a product that actually converts your traffic! Give this a try on the ground level and you’ll have a chance to earn passive money for YEARS to come!
Looking forward to working with you and helping you make HEAPS of sales from the comfort of your home!
See you soon on the other side,
To your profits,
Anna Kovach
Relationship Astrologer

PS: We don’t tolerate illegal promotion methods or spam. Your account will be closed and your commissions, if any, will be forfeited. If you’re not sure about something, please ask us, you’ll receive reply in a few hours
