Libra Man Predictions For March 2023

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Monthly February predictions for your Libra man. What will his mood be for the Valentine's season? Read on and discover.

Hi, there ladies! How was your February? Full of love and romance I hope! March is probably the most important month of the year, so hold onto your bootstraps because a lot is about to change in the world and the psyche of your Libra man. Everything is about to change!

Jupiter and Venus are both in the sign of Aries this month! Your Libra man is going to experience a lot of luck and blessings when it comes to his personal relationships as Jupiter and Venus are in Libra’s opposite sign. This means a boost to serious partnerships and the potential to take love to the next level.

The Full Moon in Virgo on March 7 will give a boost to your Libra man’s sense of spirituality and letting go. It is a great time for him to let go of any baggage that keeps holding him back. He might be a bit more withdrawn and isolated over this period. He needs rest and reflection.

Saturn enters Pisces on March 7 which is going to bring massive changes to the world and your Libra man is most definitely going to feel this in his area of health, work, and daily routines. He may experience some struggles with his health, like getting sick more often, or he may realize he needs a better lifestyle as he takes a look at his habits. There is also the chance that he might get more responsibilities at work.

Pluto enters Aquarius on March 27 and this brings a turning point in the world as this planet is going to stay in this sign for the next 20 years. The changes will start out subtle, but a very big shift is about to take place in his area of romantic connections, children, creativity, and enjoyment. He might become a lot more serious about the thought of having kids, or a creative project he is involved with.

libra man horoscope for march 2023

The theme of the Month: A lot of change is taking place for your Libra man this month. He is on the cliff of a huge transformation and he may not even recognize himself after this process. Most of this energy is going to play out in his relationships and how he connects with other people. He may also realize how much the relationship he has with himself affects his relationships with others.

Magic Phrase: “I’m here for you no matter what happens.

Text Magic: Honestly, you make me want to be a better person.

Do: Admire him, give him a boost of confidence, couples therapy, talk about goals, start working out together, eat healthier, take up a hobby

Being unsupportive of his goals, being lazy, being uncompromising, disrespecting his space, being unwilling to talk

Access your Libra Man’s Full 2023 Horoscope Here

Relationship Magic

It is quite a lucky month for your Libra man because the two blessing planets Jupiter and Venus are both in his 7th house of relationships in the sign of Aries. It is so much easier for him to feel the love and be open to falling in love. 

Be sure to use this energy to your advantage to help you get closer to him. It is much easier for him to fall in love with this transit. His heart will be a lot more open to love and the thought of connecting with a specific person.

This is a great time for you to organize a date with him. Be sure to amp up the romance and let him know how you feel about him. I promise you, he is a lot more likely to be receptive to your advances. Especially if the two of you are only dating. 

If you are together already then he may just realize how much he loves you and wants to make a deeper commitment to you. This period is very beneficial to his one-on-one relationships, so make sure you make use of it.


With the Full Moon happening in Libra this month your Libra man might be a little tired and in the mood for introspection. Luckily this transit only lasts a couple of days, but you will surely see it reflected in his moods. 

He might be less social and interested in spending more time on his own. Please don’t take this personally when you notice he needs a bit more space than usual. He is just figuring out what is going on in his head. 

This is a great time for him to get rid of all his baggage and let go of some of the stuff that has been holding him back. This is a beautiful time for purification and cleansing. Encourage him to do some soul-searching. 

And if you notice he has too much on his plate, then offer to help and support him in any way you can. This should help him feel less of a load on his shoulder.

Health Is Wealth

Your Libra man is going to experience some kind of shakeup when it comes to his health and well-being when Saturn enters Pisces. He might need this wake-up call if he hasn’t been taking particularly good care of himself recently. 

You’ll notice him becoming a lot more serious about his diet and exercise routines as he tries to make himself a better man. This is a really good process for him to go through, and if he resists it, it is very possible for him to become quite sick, so please encourage him to take better care of himself. 

He may also notice a shift happening at work, it is quite possible that he needs to take a lot more responsibility in the workplace. Perhaps he gets a raise that comes with a big promotion which might occupy all of his time and mental energy. 

His lack of focus on you might be a little annoying at times, but it is important that you support and encourage him. Especially if he is doing all of this hard work to help create a better life for the two of you. 

Serious Play

When Pluto moves into the sign of Aquarius, your Libra man may go through quite a big transformation when it comes to children, creativity, and romance. The way he approaches any of these themes will undergo a major rebirth. 

Speaking of birth, he may start to understand his relationship to the idea of children because his opinion might radically change from not wanting kids to wanting many, and then of course, vice versa might be true as well. 

This might change the dynamics of your relationship completely, but remember, this energy is very subtle and it may take a long while before you notice these changes within him. My best advice to you is to just let it happen, if you try to control the changes within him, you’ll be left quite unhappy. 

Try and see if you can grow with him and try your best to not resent him for this transformation. He could do with your support and understanding. Just remember that this shift is happening somewhere in your chart as well. 

Want to get the guidance to be his dream woman in 2023? Take a look at Libra Man 2023 Secrets here.

Final Word 

And there you have it my darlings, if this hasn’t quenched your thirst, you know where to find me, same place, as always.

March stands to be quite an exciting month for Libra man and his companion, so make sure that you’re prepared for better or worse, and that you sharpen that sensual spirit within him. Be his rock and don’t take his changes personally, remember these changes are happening to you on some level as well. 

The two of you should be able to work together as a team to grow closer. Allow the energy of March to unfold naturally, and do your best to try and not control the outcome. Life is much easier when you can accept the shifts and live in the flow of the moment.  

This is a month of major changes and it may feel like a bit of a rollercoaster ride, but if your own spiritual practice is sound and strong and you know how to soothe yourself, then dealing with the changes of your  man shouldn’t knock your confidence too much. 

Ask him how you can support him and what he needs from you, but don’t forget about your own needs and take care of what you need first. Neither of you is ever going to be the same, but it is better if you can manage to grow together instead of apart. 

So have fun, go wild, and I’ll see you next time around, 

Wishing you love and luck with your Libra Man, 

Your sister and relationship astrologer, 

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

  • Interesting Anna.I can resonate with everything that you have written. He feels very down and depressed. We ain’t spoken for a while now. I have taken a step back to respect his space He definitely needs to leave a toxic situation and leave the unhealthy baggage behind for us to be together. He acknowledges this too. I hope that we can be together in the near future.He is 10/10/69 Currently in year 9 lifecycle. I hope he can end our wait for a new beginning. I am 18/12/64 Life cycle 1. Lol it would be good to balance our paths in peace and harmony. We love each other.I will be devastated if we don’t work out but accept that the universe will decide our fate .Love n light xxx