Libra Man Horoscope for August 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how August is going to treat your Libra man? Check out the August horoscope predictions for a Libra man...

Hello sweethearts, and welcome to the horoscope reading for your Libra man for August. Now, for many people around the world, this is the holiday season and a time we associate with fun, being laid back, and enjoying ourselves.

But this particular Augustโ€”and it’s not a big “but” because there’s plenty of positive energyโ€”Mercury is retrograde in Virgo. That means there is a note of caution when it comes to planning and communications because, during this phase, there can be difficulties in travel, wires tend to get crossed, and there can be periods of stalemate and frustration.

Now, the other big feature of this month is Mars will be conjunct Jupiter on the 15th, which brings a vibrant, exciting energy and a particularly adventurous, playful spirit.

This is perfect for the August holidays or, even if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere and you aren’t on holiday, a great time to be motivated, proactive, and particularly to be outdoors.

So for you and your Libra man, it’s a time to think about how to boost your energy through positive activities, particularly those involving being physically active and finding adrenaline-pumping activities to do that are a little bit adventurous.ย 

Even though Mercury is retrograde and you have to look before you leap and do a little bit of planning, if you have the presence of mind, there’s still definitely a flavor of adventure and excitement and also romance because the month ends with Venus opposite Neptune and then Venus entering Libra, the planet of love.

So the month goes out on a particularly romantic note, which is quite something to look forward to.

Hereโ€™s what the stars have in store for a Libra Man this Augustโ€ฆ

New Moon in Leo on the 4th of August

Now, for Libra, a New Moon in August is a time for regenerating optimism. It’s a time to reframe your expectations and not make them too low. So, when it comes to your ambitions as a couple or just doing things that make you both feel more in love and excited, this is a great time to do it.

Now, what a Libra man shouldn’t be doing at the moment is boxing himself in. He needs to experience life at its fullest, so he should be expanding, doing things where he can meet new people, and not becoming too constrained by his normal social circles and expectations.ย 

What does that mean for you as a couple? It’s an awesome way to reboot a relationship simply by trying new things and getting involved in engaging activities or massive events where you feel a kind of buzz.

However, for those of you who are just getting to know a Libra man, this transit can make it harder to really attach to him, simply because he’s very distracted. So right now, focus on friendship and fun, just getting better and better friends with him rather than focusing on emotional relating.

Mercury is retrograde in Virgo on the 5th of August

Now, this particular retrograde of Mercury can make Libra Man anxious and undecided. So, this is certainly not a good time for a risky discussion like “Where is this relationship going?”, “When are we going to commit?” or “What’s the next big thing we’re going to do?”

It’s also not a good time to talk about extending the family. He really doesn’t understand what exactly he wants right now, and if he’s got any underlying subconscious fears, they could be plaguing him. So, what do you do?

Create a supportive environment, focus on teamwork, and delay big decisions. In fact, if you’ve recently made a big decision, maybe it’s not a bad idea to revisit it and find out if you’re still on the same page or if you want to just have a little bit more time to think about it because this can only serve the relationship well.

Venus enters Virgo on the 6th of August

Now, this particular aspect can be good for romance, but what’s key to romance is being tender, compassionate, and having a high level of understanding. Romance right now should be something that’s smooth and relaxed.

If anything feels forced or a bit contrived, it’s not really going to work. In fact, couples who have the best levels of innate understanding do super well right now, and the relationship can feel more rewarding and fulfilling than before.

However, for other couples where you don’t have this natural togetherness, you may need to work on communication and friendship rather than romance specifically to make you feel more secure and then go from there next month.

Mars is conjunct Jupiter on the 15th of August

Now, this is an extremely enlivening and exciting transit. So, what does it mean? For a Libra man, it can mean that your relationship kind of has to go to the next level.

If you’re in a relationship with him and it hasn’t really been going anywhere: maybe you’re stuck and it’s not moving forward, maybe it’s good, but it really isn’t progressing, but now, you definitely have to try and understand where the relationship is actually headed.

As I said, it’s not a good time for decisions about the relationship, but it’s a great time for brainstorming, putting ideas out there, and just doing new things together that may open up slightly different opportunities that will help you jump out of ruts.ย 

This is often a very busy time in terms of running errands, so support each other in pragmatic things as well. Often, he needs good advice right now, so to the extent that you are straightforward and quite a decisive person, that’s really going to give him confidence in you and the relationship.

Mercury enters Leo retrograde on the 16th of August

This particular transit represents a time when information and shared information are key. Sometimes, social media can be a double-edged sword. While it can be fun to use and enjoyable to post about your relationship, it can also arouse some negativity.

So, it’s probably better to be a little bit private. Enjoy things, and meet new people by all means, but it’s not necessary to be everyone’s bosom buddy on Facebook or go crazy on Instagram. Sometimes it’s good to just take a step back from social media and focus on good old-fashioned relating.

This is not the best time for relationships that rely on social media. Whether you are dating, married, or interacting with other people, it’s all best face-to-face.

Themes for a Libra Man this August 2024

The themes around Libra Man’s relationships right now should be about a high degree of friendship and camaraderie. You should also be looking into options for increasing the amount of things that you do as a team and the way you interact with other people. It’s vital that you are not boxing yourselves in and almost selling the relationship short.

It’s important to understand whether the relationship is good for your overall growth or whether it’s stagnating and perhaps you’re not fulfilling each other anymore. So, it’s all about ambition as a couple and trying new things, not necessarily sexually, but socially.

Magic Motto –ย  “Love isn’t always about focusing on each other, but also marvelling at what we can achieve in the world together.”

Magic Text – “I trust you to make the right decision, I know your heart’s in the right place.”


The moon waxes from the 4th to the 19th of August and this represents his best opportunity to have success with new projects, initiatives, beginning new relationships or relationships reboots, so if there’s anything you guys want to jump on board with, this is the time.

The waxing phase is important period for new career directions, becoming self-employed or taking his destiny into his own hands. A time to be proactive. Leadership and mass communication with the public is favored. Charisma and charm win the day. An important time to influence others.

The waxing phase is a suitable time for joining groups or organization or attending meetings or forums. Social media marketing is favored. A great time for romantic relationships or business partnerships with friends.

This new moon period can be a good for hosting large family events. Redecorating or major home improvement projects are favored. A great time for house hunting.


International travel is not favored, nor is taking a honeymoon. Long distance travel is not particularly successful whether it’s for business or pleasure. When it comes to his business, promoting heavily and advertising may not yield results.

The waxing phase is not great for exams, public speaking, and communication with people. Not the best time for learning and experiencing new areas of study. New blogging, journalism and writing or IT projects are not favored. Caution is needed in short distance travel and logistics.

Bear in mind Mercury is retrograde from the fifth and he should be cautious of meditation or spiritual pursuits. People offering him alternative therapies could be misleading. This is not the best time for dealing with large government departments or corporations. Charity and outreach work is not favored.

August 2024 Horoscope for a Libra Man

Week 1: Hold the line, love isn’t always on timeย 

Venus in Leo is square Uranus in Taurus, and this means that there are plenty of opportunities to have a good time, but there are moments of confusion in the relationship as well. It’s so vital right now not to panic or jump to conclusions.

A relationship will inadvertently have to deal with some jarring activity. Everything’s not always plain sailing, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It just means that where there are gaps in understanding or where the relationship has lately grown a bit apart, it will be more glaring.

This is certainly a good time to be alert to problems coming down the line so that you can restore the relationship in nicer times.

Week 2: Taking it easyย 

Now, this is a perfect week for a romantic getaway. It’s also a time to go somewhere you guys have never been before. So, whether you’re dating or married, if you don’t yet have a special place, maybe it’s time to find one, and if you do have a special place, maybe it’s time to just send the kids away to grandma’s or to some friends so that you guys can have a peaceful time together free of distractions.

Sometimes right now, words get in the way, so it doesn’t all have to be about intense conversation. It’s about doing things together that you both genuinely enjoy, where you can feel relaxed and can slowly open up on emotional matters, but what’s key is to get him feeling nice and relaxed.

Week 3: Culture Wars

The standout transit this week is Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces. Now, this can represent a time when Libra Man feels quite uptight and is concerned about his reputation, particularly his reputation at work.

So, if you guys have a work relationship, he may be a little bit cool right now and want to play down the relationship simply to make things easier for him. It may also be the case that even if you don’t work with him but you are in a relationship, dating, or married, that he is a little bit more cautious and reserved.

Sometimes, what you get with Libra Man, especially if he’s religious, is there may be things you would disagree on right now in terms of morality. So, if you’re going to have differencesโ€”cultural differences or religious differencesโ€”you’ll have to confront them right now. If you’re pretty much on the same page about all that, excellent.

Week 4: No bull and no china shop

With Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune and then going into Libra, this is a perfect time for compassion, love, and understanding in relationships. However, because Venus is first opposite Neptune, you have to go about it carefully. It’s not a time for being clumsy, for badly timed jokes, or for being pushy and aggressive.

Libra man absolutely hates anything like deadlines or pressure right now. It’s all about putting him at ease, making him feel really in his comfort zone, and then bonding.

This is an awesome time for new relationships just becoming that little bit deeper, but you have to do it mindfully. It’s not a time to just be like a bull in a china shop in love.


Well, there is certainly romance in the air and definitely a lot of excitement to be had, but it’s also important to tread carefully. What a Libra man really wants right now is an honest and straightforward partner, but also someone who is diplomatic and full of compassion.

So, you need to coax him into his safe space, and then the romantic juices will begin to flow. In new relationships, gently does it. No rushing because he cannot be hurried right now. “You Can’t Hurry Love” is the key.

Make your Libra man OBSESSEDโ€ฆ

Have you everย fantasizedย about being thatย irresistible womanย in Netflix showsโ€ฆ

The one the leading manย justย CANโ€™Tย stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionateย protagonistย would doย anythingย for this womanโ€ฆ

He will go toย extremesย to get herย attentionย and make her happy.

Now, letโ€™s say theย star of this showย is yourย Libraย manโ€ฆ

And you are theย filler characterย who is secretlyย in loveย with this gorgeous manโ€ฆ

But isย unableย to get hisย attention.

Whyย is that?

Because you donโ€™t have that โ€œwow factorโ€ that theย irresistible girlย heโ€™s in love with has.

Well, itโ€™s time toย changeย theย narrative.

Imagine holding theย secretย to making yourย Libraย man utterly OBSESSED with you.

Iโ€™m talkingย head over heels, here.

Theย bestย part?

You donโ€™t have toย changeย who you are.

You just need to uncover the deeplyย guarded desires,ย needsย andย fantasiesโ€ฆ

Thatย simmerย within yourย Libraย man.

Iโ€™m the mostย sought-after relationship astrologerโ€ฆ

And Iโ€™ve created aย list of actions, or as I prefer to call themโ€ฆ


This will instantly make himย chase you,ย love you, andย OBSESSย over you.

You see, when you understand theย unmetย emotional needsย of aย Libraย manโ€ฆ

He almost instantly develops a wholeย new world of feelingsย for YOU.

He wonโ€™t be able toย keep you out of his mindโ€ฆ

Whether youโ€™ve justย caught his eye,ย have beenย datingย for a whileโ€ฆ

Are in aย long-term relationshipโ€ฆ

Or even if heโ€™s anย exย you long toย win back.

He will experienceย intense feelingsย he hasย neverย felt for anyone else.

Feelings he canโ€™tย ignoreย orย suppressย because you willย connect to his heartย in ways he instinctively responds toโ€ฆ

Precisely how youโ€™veย alwaysย hoped he would.

Letโ€™s get back to thinking about thoseย captivating womenย on Netflix showsโ€ฆ

They seem to put men โ€œunder a spell.โ€

Well, thatโ€™s exactly the kind ofย enchantmentย Iโ€™m talking about.

And no, youย wonโ€™t need a wandย for this magic.

The Challengeย will become yourย guideย to getting to the heart and soul of yourย Libraย manโ€ฆ

And will take you to theย heartย of what makes himย tick.

Youโ€™ll understand hisย deepest desiresโ€ฆ

And fulfill theย emotional needsย he may not even realize he has.

Through thisย step-by-step,ย day-by-dayย guideโ€ฆ

Youโ€™ll learn how to become the woman he findsย UNFORGETTABLE.

The one who โ€œgot awayโ€โ€ฆ

Youโ€™ll reignite his passion andย capture his heartย in ways heย neverย imagined possible.

So much so that withinย just 30 days, you may completelyย transform your relationshipโ€ฆ

Emotionally,ย physically, andย spiritually!

Click here to learn more aboutย The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Libra man.

I promise youโ€™llย loveย it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade Iโ€™ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.