Libra Man Horoscope for July 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how July is going to treat your Libra man? Check out the monthly horoscope predictions for a Libra man...

Welcome sweethearts to the horoscope reading for your Libra man for July. Can you believe it? We have passed the solstice, we’re into July, and 2024 is simply motoring along. However, the flavor of this month is very different.

So far in the year, we’ve had quite a lot to process in terms of Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, and also Neptune, but this month, it’s Pluto that is triggered, and several times, as Mercury, Venus, and the Sun enter Leo.

The energies are a lot more intense, feelings are stirred at a deep level and there’s a great opportunity for transformation, but sometimes the more thorny issues in relationships simmer below the surface.

Remember, with Pluto, all is not always what it seems. Sometimes what is essential is invisible, and you have to be intrepid, observant, and use your perceptive power to understand what’s going on in your relationship.

So, this is a month to be savvy, to also be a little bit self-protective and wise. Let’s have a look in detail and try to understand how you should play the game with your Libra man.

Hereโ€™s what the stars have in store for a Libra man this Julyโ€ฆ

Mercury enters Leo on the 3rd of July

Now, this particular placement is really interesting because, for a Libra man, this supercharges his dating experience. However, it also complicates things.

This is a time when you should enter any friends-with-benefits relationships with extreme caution. Say, for example, you are friends with a Libra man, you’ve been flirting with him and you believe that things are ripe for a relationship to develop.

You’re probably rightโ€”your instincts are thereโ€”but he can be a little bit confusing. His behavior is so ambivalent: one moment he wants to be friends, and the next minute he’s acting possessive and jealous when you speak to other people.

So, it’s hard to figure out what he really wants. However, what’s important right now is to understand what’s being said between the lines. He’s unlikely to say anything in a particularly direct way, but chances are he wants more romance and deeper attachment.

He needs compliments and ego validation. You want to be a reassuring friend, a good friend and you want to have his back and lure him into romance by just being consistent, reliable, and becoming his confidant.

New Moon in Cancer – 5th of July

Now, for a Libra man, the New Moon in Cancer is a wonderful opportunity to think about exactly what he’s doing, why he’s doing it, and to regain focus on his aims, particularly to do with his career. But it’s not only about career; it’s about destiny,ย  it’s about you and Libra man not letting fate control your life.

Take control of all the elements of your life that you can and work to your strengths. Obviously, there are always things in our lives that are fairly out of control or unpredictable.

What you need to do now is decide where you have control and take full control, particularly if you are married, it means seizing opportunities and making your life as fulfilling as it can be.

If you are dating, it means that you should both be having interesting new experiences, not holding each other back but encouraging each other to seize the day. Life is better for both of you when you tackle new areas of life, even if it makes you feel a bit insecure or concerned about where the relationship is going.

Read also:ย What 2024 New Moon in Cancer Means for You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Venus enters Leo on the 12th of July

Venus entering Leo indicates a spontaneous and quite exciting time for your relationship. What you need to do is be outward-looking as a couple. Expand your life by networking, engaging with other couples, going to big events, and seeking new experiences.

It’s so important right now that neither of you stagnate. If you are seeking to get into a relationship with a Libra man, the key is being a little bit quirky and eccentric. Introduce him to brand new ideas and concepts; challenge him.

The key to successful relationships right now is an element of challenge. There should be something that he is curious about, something where you are daring him to take a risk or try a new thing, this is the heart of the relationship. How you expand as a couple, how you enjoy your life, but also make the most of life by constantly pushing the boundaries is key.

Mars enters Gemini and Sun enters Leo on the 21st of July

This represents a really outgoing time for Libra Man. However, on the downside, he can be less compassionate and less affectionate. Right now, he’s driven by challenges and competition, seeking adventure, and he’s bored and restless. You need to cater to that.

This is really not a good time for you to be particularly clingy, demanding, or overly emotional. The more you can be philosophical about your life and put things in terms that he’ll understand on a rational and spiritual level, the more successful you will be.

If you want to get involved in petty concerns, gossip, or he said, she said, that’s really going to disrupt the momentum of the relationship. So, try and keep things moving forward. Not a good time to be dredging up the past or getting dramatic.

Mercury enters Virgo – 26th Julyย 

Now, this could represent a rather quiet and contemplative end to the month. Right now, he’s more likely to seek escape, to want to have a quieter time and to reflect.

In fact, a big part of this month is that he needs to make sense of things, he needs to understand where he is on this life journey, whether he’s happy, where he’s not happy, and what he should really do about it.

During this particular phase of Mercury in Virgo, he’s particularly indecisive, but it’s a good time for him to juggle things internally and come to some new understandings that are possibly closer to the truth of his life.

Themes for a Libra Man this July 2024

Now, the themes this month are expansion, adventure, greater understanding, improving spontaneity and variety in your life, and seeking opportunities. It’s also a time to understand where your lives may have become stale and unfulfilling and do something about it. It’s not necessarily the most intimate or affectionate time, but it should be a great time to create some more dynamism in the relationship.

Magic Motto – “This relationship journey should always have its tangents where we veer off to visit a magic castle that’s not on the itinerary.

Magic Text – “Nothing is lost as long as love and growth remain at the heart of this relationship.”


The moon waxes from the 5th to the 19th of the month, and this is the two week period of the New Moon and is most favorable for brand new goals, date nights, romance, and doing things for the first time. This is his launch pad where he can be entrepreneurial and take on new challenges.

New career directions, business management, leadership, PR, and public engagement are favored. Pioneering action, reputational improvement, and being head hunted are possible.

This is also an excellent time to be attending large scale events like concerts and festivals together. Hanging out with friends and networking, for business or pleasure, are also favorable activities. The friendship side of relationships is enhanced.

This is a great time for couples with similar political and social interests. It’s a good time for any social media projects he’s involved in. New business ventures in science and technology are favored.

Romance in friendship circles is possible. Networking events and large gatherings are enjoyable and successful during this fortnight. A great for making new friends and being more social or joining new organizations. Itโ€™s a good time to gather with others to brainstorm. Attending trade fairs and professional events is favored.

The waxing phase is the start of a good time for his new career direction, new business ventures, and impressing authority. Reputational improvement and being head hunted are possible. A great time for PR, job interviews, and corporate entertainment. Itโ€™s good for artistic inspiration, performance, and activities that require confidence and drama.


You guys should be cautious if you are interacting using dating websites, dating apps, and social situations aimed at introduction. The waxing phase is not great for date nights and traditionally romantic activities.

Not a good waxing phase to get pregnant, meet each otherโ€™s children for the first time, or make major decisions about your children.

This is not the best time for sports competitions and activities that need a great deal of confidence and gumption. Leadership roles aren’t favored.

July 2024 Horoscope for a Libra Man

Week 1: Wise as an owlย 

This week, the New Moon is in Cancer and is sextile Mars in Taurus trine Saturn in Pisces, which means there is a very strong emphasis on work and career. It’s also an important time for problem-solving being strategic and managing schedules.

What’s important for a Libra man is focus on organization. How can you help him, well get on board? Try to stick to any new relationship routines or rituals you have going. Be pragmatic in terms of understanding what he needs to get done, and make sure that you both jump on things immediately, stay present, and be diligent about following through on promises.

Right now, it is important to have some structure to life, to be sensible, and to see problems coming and ensure against them. So sweetie, it’s time to be wise, it’s time to be sensible, and this can keep relationships on track.

Week 2: Part of something biggerย 

Sun in Cancer trine Saturn and Mercury in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini indicates that this is a great time for the friendship and communication side of the relationship. This is one of those weeks when it’s great to do something brand new, make some memories together, splash out, and be a little bit daring.

This is an excellent time for all the social aims you have as a couple. It certainly favors either married couples or those dating when you share ideals and are inspired by the same kind of worldview because you can have a lot of fun getting involved in things that are greater than yourselves, as feeling part of something bigger can often bring you together as a couple.

Week 3: Game on for loveย 

Now, this week is very special because we have Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus for the last time for another 80 years. What does this mean? Well, it’s a particularly explosive one for a Libra man as it happens in his eighth house of secrets, hidden emotions, sex, and intimacy.

So, it’s an awesome time to work on your sex life, to iron out any problems you have relating sexually, and to get closer again intimately. But it’s also very important for trust and respect, and within that comes boundaries.

While you want to get closer affectionately and intimately, there must be no power games and manipulation going on. If they are, that’s when you need to put up a boundary. It’s also vital for you not to play emotional games with a Libra man. Yes, they may work in the short run, but in the long run, they’re not going to serve you very well.

Week 4: Blossoming Loveย 

Sun in Leo opposite Pluto and then sextile Mars in Gemini means that this is an excellent time for brand new relationships. New relationships can become intense very quickly; sometimes this can almost be uncomfortable, and there can be some misunderstandings as you kind of get under each other’s skin. But friction right now is not necessarily a bad sign.

In fact, a kind of love-hate element can actually mean that the relationship is a promising one. For couples, it’s an excellent time to burn off excess energy by doing sports or high adrenaline activities and then engaging in some quality time together. Acknowledge each other’s needs, validate each other’s desired, and this is going to be a strong week for intimacy.


July is a really good time for friendships becoming more serious relationships and also for marriages to improve in terms of understanding and intimacy. The key to success is encouraging each other and for the relationship to feel that it’s going places and that together you are exploring and having a wonderful adventure.

Now, what shouldn’t be lost is that feelings are running high and sometimes there’s a little bit of tension that can feel like a mini-crisis, but you need to take a philosophical approach. Don’t get too emotional about anything, just let it wash over you and be pragmatic.

Make your Libra man OBSESSEDโ€ฆ

Have you everย fantasizedย about being thatย irresistible womanย in Netflix showsโ€ฆ

The one the leading manย justย CANโ€™Tย stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionateย protagonistย would doย anythingย for this womanโ€ฆ

He will go toย extremesย to get herย attentionย and make her happy.

Now, letโ€™s say theย star of this showย is yourย Libraย manโ€ฆ

And you are theย filler characterย who is secretlyย in loveย with this gorgeous manโ€ฆ

But isย unableย to get hisย attention.

Whyย is that?

Because you donโ€™t have that โ€œwow factorโ€ that theย irresistible girlย heโ€™s in love with has.

Well, itโ€™s time toย changeย theย narrative.

Imagine holding theย secretย to making yourย Libraย man utterly OBSESSED with you.

Iโ€™m talkingย head over heels, here.

Theย bestย part?

You donโ€™t have toย changeย who you are.

You just need to uncover the deeplyย guarded desires,ย needsย andย fantasiesโ€ฆ

Thatย simmerย within yourย Libraย man.

Iโ€™m the mostย sought-after relationship astrologerโ€ฆ

And Iโ€™ve created aย list of actions, or as I prefer to call themโ€ฆ


This will instantly make himย chase you,ย love you, andย OBSESSย over you.

You see, when you understand theย unmetย emotional needsย of aย Libraย manโ€ฆ

He almost instantly develops a wholeย new world of feelingsย for YOU.

He wonโ€™t be able toย keep you out of his mindโ€ฆ

Whether youโ€™ve justย caught his eye,ย have beenย datingย for a whileโ€ฆ

Are in aย long-term relationshipโ€ฆ

Or even if heโ€™s anย exย you long toย win back.

He will experienceย intense feelingsย he hasย neverย felt for anyone else.

Feelings he canโ€™tย ignoreย orย suppressย because you willย connect to his heartย in ways he instinctively responds toโ€ฆ

Precisely how youโ€™veย alwaysย hoped he would.

Letโ€™s get back to thinking about thoseย captivating womenย on Netflix showsโ€ฆ

They seem to put men โ€œunder a spell.โ€

Well, thatโ€™s exactly the kind ofย enchantmentย Iโ€™m talking about.

And no, youย wonโ€™t need a wandย for this magic.

The Challengeย will become yourย guideย to getting to the heart and soul of yourย Libraย manโ€ฆ

And will take you to theย heartย of what makes himย tick.

Youโ€™ll understand hisย deepest desiresโ€ฆ

And fulfill theย emotional needsย he may not even realize he has.

Through thisย step-by-step,ย day-by-dayย guideโ€ฆ

Youโ€™ll learn how to become the woman he findsย UNFORGETTABLE.

The one who โ€œgot awayโ€โ€ฆ

Youโ€™ll reignite his passion andย capture his heartย in ways heย neverย imagined possible.

So much so that withinย just 30 days, you may completelyย transform your relationshipโ€ฆ

Emotionally,ย physically, andย spiritually!

Click here to learn more aboutย The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Libra man.

I promise youโ€™llย loveย it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade Iโ€™ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.