Libra Man Horoscope for October 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how October is going to treat your Libra man? Check out the October horoscope predictions for a Libra man...

Hello my dear, and welcome to the horoscope reading for your Libra man for October. The year is racing to a climax, and you’ll be pleased to know that the transits for this particular week offer the scope for some intensity, passion, emotional connectivity, and there’s also a bit of good luck and spontaneity.

In fact, it is a rather stimulating month on a number of levels, and that’s always good for relationships because it means there’s a variety of energies that you can tap into in order to remold the relationship.ย 

What’s important as well, is understanding the power basis of the relationship, tapping into the subtext, the context, the hidden motives and agendas that you and your partner have, and working with those in order to get a better result.

So often, I feel people fail in relationships because they keep on a surface, verbal level without understanding what’s really behind the facade, what’s behind the words, and what lies beneath. I feel this is a great time to uncover what lies beneath and then shift your overall perspective of the relationship to achieve relationship goals.

Hereโ€™s what the stars have in store for a Libra Man this Octoberโ€ฆ

New Moon in Libra – 2nd Octoberย 

For a Libra man, it’s a bright and breezy start to the month because the New Moon is in Libra right up front, and it’s conjunct Mercury. The whole idea here is debate, discussions, good conversations, and brainstorming.

However, be aware that this highlights his indecisive side, so this should probably be a phase where everything is on the table in order to debate, work out compromises, and find new information, but perhaps delay final decisions until all relevant information has emerged.ย 

It’s also a time when you guys should be getting out, meeting new people, hanging out with friends, and doing new activities. This ensures that you aren’t missing out, that you’re retaining a good breadth of influences in your life, and that you’re not becoming stale or bogged down.

Mercury in Libra is all about exploring options, gaining greater understanding, and seeing both sides of the story. Remember, donโ€™t be stubborn, donโ€™t get boxed into one side of the coinโ€”thereโ€™s always a flipside, so make sure you donโ€™t miss it.

Jupiter Retrograde – 9th of October

This retrograde can be a time where he’s seeking a bit of adventure, but itโ€™s also a time where he doesnโ€™t know what he wants. Libra Man can be hard to please, heโ€™s more likely to run on tangents and can be a bit of a time-waster.

If you’re dating, be careful with the Libra Man right now because he can set you up and then let you down. One moment things feel too good to be true, and the next, you feel totally abandoned and let down.

His enthusiasm tends to well up and then dissipates, or he gets an idea, goes at it, and then suddenly loses momentum as he decides to rush off in a different direction.

Similar to the New Moon and Venus in Sagittarius, this highlights his indecisive and restless nature. The way to handle this is through humor and by not allowing yourself to get on his โ€œhot air balloon,โ€ because you donโ€™t know when that air will run out.

Mercury enters Scorpio – 14th of October

When Mercury enters Scorpio it squares Pluto as it’s entering, this creates a money-oriented period, but it’s also a time when he can be quite hard-headed and stubborn.

Now is the time to start nailing down some of the options, eliminating what really doesn’t work, and narrowing things down. This is also a time when he’s serious about life and love, so itโ€™s very important to discuss matters in your relationship.

Whether you’ve been casually dating or you’re in a more serious relationship, it’s time to be serious, show high levels of commitment, be a good listener, and make sure you show commitment to relationship goals.

It’s vital that you both get on the same page. Even if youโ€™ve been doing your own thing, now is one of those times when you really have to come together, work hard at your relationship, and understand each otherโ€™s personalities better. The core right now is deeper levels of understanding and not looking for quick fixesโ€”so donโ€™t be too quick to sweep things under the carpet.

Venus enters Sagittarius – 18th of October

This placement backs up the New Moon in Libra because itโ€™s all about versatility, fun, variety, and often short-distance travel. This may be a good time to plan a little trip away, or alternatively, go away to see friends and relatives, or have a city break.

Itโ€™s vital that you refresh your life by not sticking to the tried and tested. Explore your options and see this as an exciting phase, like unwrapping all the possibilities. Itโ€™s also another key phase for negotiation and coming up with solutions.

If you’re dating, this is a great time for those of you who are internet dating or in relationships where thereโ€™s a lot of communication. Remember to explore all options for communicatingโ€”use emojis, memes, videos, voice calls, written emails etc. as itโ€™s all about variety and creativity in communication.

Donโ€™t just say, โ€œWhat are you doing? When will we next meet up?โ€ Stimulate him with communication. Stimulation is absolutely important for the Libra Man.

Sun enters Scorpio – 23rd of October

This is a great time for affection and quality time together. It’s also a good time to go shopping. A Libra man values gifting as a love language, so to show your affection, give appropriate and thoughtful giftsโ€”not always expensive – as this excites him and shows your appreciation.

Itโ€™s also a great time for him to shop around and add to his collections, whether itโ€™s art or memorabilia. Take an interest in the things he aspires to collect or own.

This is a time when he can also be a little possessive, so it’s important that thereโ€™s trust in the relationship. Give him good feedback and appear to be a good listener who values his opinions.

A Libra man likes to express himself, and if you value his opinions, he thinks you value him. So pay attention, listen when he talks, and give feedback that shows you care.

Themes for a Libra Man this October 2024โ€ฆ

Communication is a big theme of the month, but it must be multifaceted. It has to be meaningful, reinforce trust, and show your appreciation for him.

On the other hand, it also has to excite and titillate. Communication should be creative on a sexual and affectionate level, and it must be constructive and productive.

Many important things need to be understood better, and decisions must be debated, with relevant information analyzed. So, eyes wide open, get your espressos, and make sure your mind is in the right gear this month.

Magic Motto: “Communication is the key to connection, and trust is built one conversation at a time.”

Magic Text:ย “Hey love, let’s make this month full of adventure, fun chats, and moments that excite us both! Letโ€™s plan something spontaneous soon!”


The moon waxes from the 2nd to the 17th of the month and this two-week period is perfect for new activities, dating, relationship goals and starting any new projects. After the 17th, you have to capitalize on what you have now achieved, reflect and take a grounded, more than a dynamic response.

This is a good time for renewed focus on organization, good routines and health. Service and quality is vital. A great time to address minutia and understand the important details. A good time for his medical matters and dealing with animals. A better time for dietary changes, getting fit and improving health holistically.


This is not a good time for friends with benefits relationships, major career moves and new leadership roles. This isn’t the best waxing period for spiritual development and meditation or holistic goals.

He should steer away from idealism and fantasy and stay pragmatic and rational. Facts and evidence are important and he shouldn’t be swayed by emotions or vague feelings. His dreams can be more vivid yet disturbing. New business ventures involving music and theatre may not be successful.

Not a great time for dealing with bureaucracy or large corporations or government departments.

October 2024 Horoscope for a Libra Man (week by week)

Week 1: Pencil in Loveย 

This is the week of the New Moon conjunct Mercury, and additionally, there is a grand water trine with Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces. This represents a great time to do practical and thoughtful things to enhance romance.

Romance is about inspiration, thoughtfulness, and compassion. Combine those three magic elements, and you have a route to his heart. He is eager to improve his sex life right now, but things have to spark his interest. So, you have to stimulate his imagination.

Itโ€™s also important to take care of practical things like scheduling, making sure you leave enough time to cultivate romance. Donโ€™t rush thingsโ€”organizing your days better is one of the biggest elements in love. Make time for love.

Week 2: New Sensation Right Now

This is a lucky week for a Libra man because the Sun in Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini, and things are going his way. Itโ€™s an awesome time for him to take chances, particularly in his career, because Mars in Cancer also sextiles Uranus in Taurus.

Encourage him to set goals, think bigger, and use his personality and persuasive power to open doors. This is also a great time to gather momentum in your relationship.

The New Moon was all about renewing communication, and now itโ€™s about doing exciting things that add a little sensation to your life and help you feel alive. Itโ€™s a time for a little bit of travel or hanging out in brand-new places.

Week 3: Deeper Issuesย 

Venus is in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus, and the Sun is square Pluto. This can be a time of disagreements over money, or money may become a thorny issue.

Remember that money and power go hand in hand with a Libra man. If he feels heโ€™s earning well and achieving success, he feels a sense of power, this can either boost his ego or make him a little domineering.

If heโ€™s not getting the success he needs, he can become self-destructive. Pay attention to what’s going on beneath the surface and be sensitive to deeper issues.

Week 4: Affirm your Loveย 

This week is all about being constructive and patient. Libra Man can be a little difficult to deal with; itโ€™s hard to judge his mood. Sometimes heโ€™s feeling confident and affectionate, and other times he goes into his shell. Try to maintain a balance.

Although Libra is the sign of balance, he can often be out of kilter. This week, heโ€™s lacking a bit of confidence, so itโ€™s important to affirm all the great things about him. Give him encouragement, particularly about the talents that make him unique as a person.


Youโ€™ll want to approach this month with an alert and vibrant attitude toward communication, as so much can be achieved in both new and existing relationships.

You have a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate that you are the right partner by showing him that you can not only excite and stimulate him but also support him through communication.

The message is: be a woman for all seasons in the communication department, and your relationship will thrive with a Libra man.

Make your Libra man OBSESSEDโ€ฆ

Have you everย fantasizedย about being thatย irresistible womanย in Netflix showsโ€ฆ

The one the leading manย justย CANโ€™Tย stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionateย protagonistย would doย anythingย for this womanโ€ฆ

He will go toย extremesย to get herย attentionย and make her happy.

Now, letโ€™s say theย star of this showย is yourย Libraย manโ€ฆ

And you are theย filler characterย who is secretlyย in loveย with this gorgeous manโ€ฆ

But isย unableย to get hisย attention.

Whyย is that?

Because you donโ€™t have that โ€œwow factorโ€ that theย irresistible girlย heโ€™s in love with has.

Well, itโ€™s time toย changeย theย narrative.

Iโ€™ve created aย list of actions, or as I prefer to call themโ€ฆ


This will instantly make himย chase you,ย love you, andย OBSESSย over you.

He will experienceย intense feelingsย he hasย neverย felt for anyone else.

Feelings he canโ€™tย ignoreย orย suppressย because you willย connect to his heartย in ways he instinctively responds toโ€ฆ

Precisely how youโ€™veย alwaysย hoped he would.

The Challengeย will become yourย guideย to getting to the heart and soul of yourย Libraย manโ€ฆ

And will take you to theย heartย of what makes himย tick.

Youโ€™ll understand hisย deepest desiresโ€ฆ

And fulfill theย emotional needsย he may not even realize he has.

Through thisย step-by-step,ย day-by-dayย guideโ€ฆ

Youโ€™ll learn how to become the woman he findsย UNFORGETTABLE.

The one who โ€œgot awayโ€โ€ฆ

Youโ€™ll reignite his passion andย capture his heartย in ways heย neverย imagined possible.

So much so that withinย just 30 days, you may completelyย transform your relationshipโ€ฆ

Emotionally,ย physically, andย spiritually!

Click here to learn more aboutย The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Libra man.

I promise youโ€™llย loveย it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade Iโ€™ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.