Libra Man Horoscope for September 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how September is going to treat your Libra man? Check out the September horoscope predictions for a Libra man...

Hello my dear, and welcome to the horoscope reading for your Libra man for September. Schools are basically back in session right now, and the mentality is somewhat more focused, a little bit more organized, and perhaps the memories of summer are beginning to fade.

However, it’s a brand new season and a chance to do a little bit of a relationship reboot. In terms of those in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ve finished a long winter, youโ€™re aching for spring to begin, and so you guys are also feeling in the mood for some inspiration.

So I want to inspire you this month about your relationship with Libra Man because there’s so much to be gained. There’s a lot of exciting activity which leads to some romance, a more productive frame of mind, with an important acknowledgement of a need for flexibility and compassion.

We have lots of planetary changes this month, and in general, I’m feeling a very different energy. We’ve got Mercury now direct, we’ve got Mars changing signs early in the month, so there certainly is a different flavor to September.

There’s something subtle, sweet, and delicate about it, and we need to get going and analyze the potentials.

Hereโ€™s what the stars have in store for a Libra Man this Septemberโ€ฆ

New Moon in Virgo โ€“ 2nd September

This is a really positive New Moon for Libra Man as it represents a time for fresh perspectives, for relaxing and recharging his batteries. Libra Man is in a thoughtful mood, he needs a little bit more space to recover, to relax and to get ready for the new season.

This is a really positive New Moon in terms of positive visualization, positive thinking and generating ideas, so this represents a highly creative period for him which is rich for brainstorming and getting all the creative juices flowing so he can milk the ideas as the month goes on your goes on.

Mars enters Cancer – 5th September

Now this movement of Mars into Cancer tells that this is an excellent time for him to make an impression on his superiors, to attend job interviews and certainly take the bull by the horns and aim high when it comes to his career.

This is an awesome time frame for him to be starting a new career, a new career direction, or for you to encourage him to be more independent by going freelance or taking on more challenging roles. If he has felt that he’s career is in the doll drums, you certainly want to give him a lot of confidence and encouragement to pursue new options this month as it’s an absolutely ideal time.

There’s also a theme of planning for the future and putting those plans into action, so for both of you this should be a goal-setting time when you are all about what can be achieved.

Mercury enters Virgo โ€“ 10th September

Now this particular transit doesn’t necessarily lead to what one would normally expect for Mercury in Virgo, for example improvements with communications or increased activity in the works sphere etc. Rather, he is needing a time to contemplate and reboot. He may be a little bit more withdrawn and rather quiet during the this particular transit as he gets his thoughts together, so it’s important to allow him to have his space in order that he can resolve what he needs to within his consciousness and settle any nagging doubts as he slowly gets back into the groove for the new season. This is almost like a mental pause or regroup โ€“ so no pressure and not too many questions.

Sun enters Libra โ€“ 23rd September

For Libra Man, this is a fabulous time to step into a new gear and it’s very important for him to think holistically about health and wellness. Right now it’s about getting things in his life on track and that includes a good work-life balance, lots of sunshine and fresh air and taking your relationship in a positive direction.

Focus on positive thinking, and pay attention to using mantras and affirmations that really bolster his self-confidence and help you to both reinvigorate your faith in the relationship as this is vital.

Venus enters Scorpio โ€“ 24th September

This is a positive transit for Libra Man because it reinforces love, commitment and trust. What’s really important in your relationship right now is the meaningfulness of your relationship: actions speak louder than words but even more important than that is a sense that you can both trust each other totally. To the extent that you feel secure in each other’s love and there’s an open honesty to the relationship, relationships will thrive and the physical side can be great.

However, if there is a lack of trust, there will be possessiveness, control and often bickering about money. This is a good time for couples to go shopping to make important purchases or even to buy special things to make your home more luxurious, like art or furniture โ€“ Libra Man generally enjoys shopping!

Mercury enters Libra โ€“ 27th September

Now this is a great time for debate and discussions, the communication side of his nature is supercharged and while Mercury is in Libra, it’s great for you as a couple to make plans, get more organized, come to agreements or enter negotiations of a financial matter with institutions.

His pragmatic and analytical nature is stimulated, this is definitely a time when he’s good at problem solving and where he wants to seize the moment, but this is also great time to introduce more variety in your life, don’t be boring, reject anything that’s too stale and confining and make sure that you shake up the routines and don’t be a slave to your rituals and your work.

Themes for a Libra Man this September 2024โ€ฆ

This month is about regeneration, relaxation, and getting into the right gear. The Sun in Libra is heading into his sign, which is great for romance and exciting new perspectives in relationships.

However, Mars is in Cancer, and the New Moon happens in Virgo, indicating subconscious triggers. Some of his behavior is more emotionally driven rather than rational, which is what you would usually expect for a Libra man.

Unresolved issues can linger in the background, so sometimes what he does may be confusing and make no logical sense. It’s a case of waiting and seeing this month out and letting the chips fall where they may.

Remember to pay attention to the subtle signs and signals that he gives you because he doesn’t always say what he thinks. He is in diplomatic mode, so you need to be a bit of a psychologist to understand what’s really going on.

Magic Motto – “Our relationship thrives on knowing how to blend effort with excess, fun with fantasy and ambition with luxury.”

Magic Text – “I’m always there for you and you can bare all with me.”


The moon waxes from the 2nd to the 17th of the month and this fortnight is ideal for initiating projects, beginning brand new activities, being proactive and more risquรฉ or audacious. After the 17th is the time for more caution, reflection and to take a slightly more measured approach.

This month it’s more important than ever to focus on the tender, touchy feely aspects of your relationship and place less emphasis on the cold, harsh realities. They say money can’t buy you love, and that’s appropriate for this month, depth of feeling is real gold.

Mindfulness and positive affirmations can help you to achieve the right mindset to improve your relationship with Libra Guy because everything happens at a really subtle level.


New roles at work or recruitment of staff are not favored, nor is traveling to attend a course. This is not a successful time for him trying new diets, innovative health initiatives and anything strict or restrictive in terms of diet. Not a good time for him to join a gym or begin a new fitness regime. Training staff is not successful. Not a favorable time to open a business connected to animals, manufacturing or medicine.

September 2024 Horoscope for a Libra Man (week by week)

Week 1: Unravel and chill

This week, Mars is still in Gemini, and it will square Neptune in Pisces. This is a time when he has to be more cautious, particularly with his health. It’s not a time for excess, and as a couple, you shouldnโ€™t look to negative coping mechanismsโ€”like too many bottles of wine, takeaways, or even cultivating other vices.

Itโ€™s important now to understand that confusion should be embraced, and not everything can be understood. Sometimes, in the short term, you need to just relax and let it be.

A little bit of added wisdom through meditation, religious practice (if thatโ€™s appropriate), or just getting back to nature can be just what both of you need. Try to uncomplicate things, unravel it all, and just get out for fresh air or a long country drive as sometimes thatโ€™s exactly what you need.

Week 2: Problems sharedย 

Libra Man is known as the scales, and it’s believed that heโ€™s in balance. However, very often, Libra Man is not in balance. He can actually be a star sign plagued with doubts, always obsessively weighing options in his head, and he can be his own worst enemy by overthinking and creating internal stress.

However, he is a person who believes a problem shared is a problem halved. What you need to do is encourage him to share with you and give him the benefit of your advice. The more he listens to you, the more he trusts you.

So, the key to a good relationship right nowโ€”whether itโ€™s strengthening your marriage or improving your relationship as a dating coupleโ€”is the extent to which youโ€™re able to give each other solid advice and be a sounding board.

This means he should feel free to slowly but surely open his heart, lay his cards on the table, and see your reactions. Make sure they are substantial, thoughtful reactions, because heโ€™ll be taking note.

Week 3: Upliftingย 

This is the most mysterious week for a Libra man. It’s important for him to get enough sleep. He can be quite grouchy, irritable, unpredictable, and a little bit harder to cope with in relationships.

In many ways, heโ€™s more emotional and easily triggered. He may be suffering bad dreams, and itโ€™s more likely that some part of his life is just totally out of whack, so itโ€™s all about finding ways to relieve stress.

Itโ€™s probably not the easiest time for him to feel romantic or passionate, particularly in a new relationship. If you guys have a deeply spiritual bond and you are his sanctuary, then itโ€™s wonderful for your sex life, but in most relationships, whatโ€™s required now is patience and just being there as someone who doesnโ€™t put on any pressure but is always ready to uplift the mood with a laugh and some good cheer.

Week 4: Passion previewย 

Venus entering Scorpio square Pluto means this is a very important week for those of you who have joint bank accounts to discuss money. Itโ€™s a very productive time for making new investments, thinking about your financial potential, and coming to solid agreements on spending plans or budgets to help you make the most of your money.

Itโ€™s also a time where a great amount of passion is generated. So, if you can, during this week, have a little trip away or at least an evening where you are totally alone, can have a slap-up meal, maybe borrow a friend’s hot tub, or do something where you can splash out, pamper each other, spoil each other, and enjoy a wonderful evening.

Right now, itโ€™s also important to start thinking aheadโ€”his birthday is coming – gifting is an important way of showing love to Libra Man. Give this birthday some thought, and make sure your present reflects thoughtfulness and shows how much you really value the relationship, or he might have questions or doubts.


Now, this is one of those months where Libra Man is more confusing, often bewildered, and things can go round and round in his head. What you donโ€™t want to do is add to that confusion. You want to be a solid, reliable person who demonstrates loyalty and wisdom, someone in whom he can trust for wise advice.

In fact, wisdom is key right now. Sensitivity and wisdom are the keys to a great relationship and to being able to unleash the passion and excitement, both sexually and affectionately, that is available at the end of the month.

Make your Libra man OBSESSEDโ€ฆ

Have you everย fantasizedย about being thatย irresistible womanย in Netflix showsโ€ฆ

The one the leading manย justย CANโ€™Tย stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionateย protagonistย would doย anythingย for this womanโ€ฆ

He will go toย extremesย to get herย attentionย and make her happy.

Now, letโ€™s say theย star of this showย is yourย Libraย manโ€ฆ

And you are theย filler characterย who is secretlyย in loveย with this gorgeous manโ€ฆ

But isย unableย to get hisย attention.

Whyย is that?

Because you donโ€™t have that โ€œwow factorโ€ that theย irresistible girlย heโ€™s in love with has.

Well, itโ€™s time toย changeย theย narrative.

Iโ€™ve created a list of actions, or as I prefer to call themโ€ฆ


This will instantly make himย chase you,ย love you, andย OBSESSย over you.

He will experienceย intense feelingsย he hasย neverย felt for anyone else.

Feelings he canโ€™tย ignoreย orย suppressย because you willย connect to his heartย in ways he instinctively responds toโ€ฆ

Precisely how youโ€™veย alwaysย hoped he would.

The Challengeย will become yourย guideย to getting to the heart and soul of yourย Libraย manโ€ฆ

And will take you to theย heartย of what makes himย tick.

Youโ€™ll understand hisย deepest desiresโ€ฆ

And fulfill theย emotional needsย he may not even realize he has.

Through thisย step-by-step,ย day-by-dayย guideโ€ฆ

Youโ€™ll learn how to become the woman he findsย UNFORGETTABLE.

The one who โ€œgot awayโ€โ€ฆ

Youโ€™ll reignite his passion andย capture his heartย in ways heย neverย imagined possible.

So much so that withinย just 30 days, you may completelyย transform your relationshipโ€ฆ

Emotionally,ย physically, andย spiritually!

Click here to learn more aboutย The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Libra man.

I promise youโ€™llย loveย it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade Iโ€™ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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