How to Seduce a Libra Man – the Ultimate Seduction Guidebook

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
One of the best tactics to turn a Libra man on is by learning who he is and what he likes. Keep reading for information on how to seduce a Libra man...

How best can you turn on the irresistible Libra man? Perhaps with a few tips and tricks you can give him the ultimate pleasure in the bedroom and in life. Keep reading for important information on how to seduce a Libra man.

Get To the Libra Man and His Turn-Ons

One of the best tactics to turn a Libra man on is by learning who he is and what he likes. Having a heads up definitely will contribute to your connection with him thus making seduction an easier and more satisfying thing for you both.

Libra men like to take it nice and easy. They arenโ€™t typically in a hurry to dive into bed though they can be swayed for a one night stand if they feel particularly connected to someone.

The Libra man is a bit sensitive even though he wonโ€™t let anyone see this. He will flirt like crazy with women and when someone tickles his fancy, he will absolutely try to pursue a little bit.

Seducing him is something that takes a bit of effort and a delicate touch. One of the things you must know is that his Planet that rules his sign is Venus. This makes him quite a lover. It comes naturally to him.

Heโ€™s also a bit romantic and can appreciate when a woman puts in effort to sweep him off his feet with gifts, compliments, and considerate gestures. That will turn him on quicker than most anything else really.

Libra man is also an air sign which makes him mutable rather than fixed. He has the ability to adapt though heโ€™s not really big on changes without thought. This is why he can become so indecisive sometimes.

Knowing that heโ€™s a methodical type of guy, youโ€™ll have to practice your own methodical practices in order to get him to notice you, want you, and allow you to seduce him. Thatโ€™s right, he has to allow you to seduce him otherwise heโ€™ll shut you down.

Libra Manโ€™s Erogenous Zone Information

How to Seduce a Libra Man

When you are able to get close enough to perhaps make out with the Libra man, you can certainly move your hands around to various areas of his body and he wonโ€™t typically mind you exploring.

If he isnโ€™t into it, heโ€™ll certainly stop you and let you know heโ€™s not comfortable or not ready. Otherwise, itโ€™s wise for you to focus on his erogenous zones in order to get his blood pumping.

What does it for him is his lower back and buttocks. If youโ€™re able to make out, slide your hand down his back and try to claw lightly at his lower back and upper part of his buttocks where his pants come up basically.

Be gentle but at the same time putting pressure so that he feels it and understands what you want. On the flip side, you can offer him a full body massage as well.

You can at that point concentrate when you get further down his back and buttocks.ย  This would be the easiest way to touch his erogenous zones without feeling too intrusive or assuming.

If you do it right and he finds himself turned on then heโ€™ll definitely let you know as much. Libra men sometimes need a woman to tell him or let him know that they are in the mood.

Heโ€™s not particularly good at guessing if a womanโ€™s into being intimate. In fact, he gets awkward and doesnโ€™t always do a good job letting a woman know HE wants it. Heโ€™d rather her make that move.

Those being said, make that move! Take the chance and either offer him that romantic full body massage OR like I said, make out with him while massaging him. Heโ€™ll love it and heโ€™ll get the green light from you what you want.

Dress to Impress

The Libra man always wants to look his best no matter where heโ€™s going. He will sometimes even dress up to do the laundry. He doesnโ€™t want to get caught out in public looking raggedy.

On that note, he will want a woman who also follows this code. If you are going to spend time with him, fix your hair and makeup. Make sure that whatever you are wearing looks stunning on you.

Whether youโ€™re wearing a skirt and nice blouse, shorts and tank top, or jeans and t-shirt, make sure they look on point and are flattering to your figure. Keep it classy as well. He doesnโ€™t like trashy ensembles.

Libra man loves everything thatโ€™s beautiful, upscale, and worth its weight in gold. He feels the same way about women. Wear something that shows off your figure but doesnโ€™t show him all your โ€œgoodsโ€.

Let him imagine what youโ€™ve got under those clothes so that heโ€™ll try to get into them later on. This will turn him on and make him want to figure out what is in the package.

Talk About Him, Ask Questions

How to Seduce a Libra Man

Libra men are very self aware which means they love attention, compliments, and getting asked about their lives. Tell him how handsome he is, how you love his jeans, compliment his hair or style, tell him you find him irresistible.

I know that sounds really forward but he will absolutely respond well with this type of talk. Make sure you ask him about his life without getting too personal. Ask him about his dreams or goals in life.

You can also ask him about his job, what he likes to do in his spare time, and what the two of you could possibly do together in the future. Heโ€™ll love pondering about this.

Naturally if he isnโ€™t into you in the way that youโ€™re into him, at that point he will probably let on that he isnโ€™t into dating or doesnโ€™t want a relationship. He wonโ€™t tell you that itโ€™s you and heโ€™s just not feeling it though.

If he IS feeling it, he will definitely let you know that as well by finally making some moves of his own thus securing the seduction you started.

If youโ€™re just scratching the surface with your Libra guy, you should really learn all you can about his sign. It may help you in the long run.ย Click here for more details on him!

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Wishing you all the luck of the universe

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade Iโ€™ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

  • Not all Libras are the same. I’m not one to like dressing up. I like my girl in jeans and T- shirt, in fact I told my past girlfriend that she didn’t need makeup because I liked her just the way she was. However if she felt she wanted to wear it, that was fine with me. What I desperately need from a girl is intelligence, and what I mean by that is the ability to have interesting conversations. Her appearance…..her looks….will initially attract me, but it’s her mind that will keep me. The way I look at it, a woman is not just a body, there is a mind there too! I tend to find the people others overlook. Sometimes it’s not the girl in the middle of the dance floor, it’s the one in the corner that was overlooked that is the real prize. One of my best female friends was a Leo who went 4-wheeling with her Jeep, and I’m a Libra. She wasn’t driving a BMW. So not all Libras are the same, they come in various flavors and not everyone likes the same flavor. You may run across one like me.

    • Hi Joe!

      Thank you for chiming in. You are very correct. Not all Libra men are the same. These articles are written with the very basis of my knowledge on Libra. There are always differences when moon signs and rising signs are different. There is lots to take into account and this is why no one should ever peg any sign to be a certain way. Thank you for sharing your information and experience. I truly appreciate it greatly. I hope you find the woman of your dreams if you haven’t already!